Sea-Side Dive Shop – The River Rats
The River Rats Dive Club is an organization of all levels and types of divers who enjoy diving the waters in and around the Great Lakes. We meet monthly and have a full schedule of seasonal charters, outings, events and travel.
River Rats Dive Club
Meeting Summary – May 21, 2007
• The location was Sea-Side Dive Shop.
• George Weirath led the meeting.
• 10 attendees
• The club accepted volunteers for officer positions.
• Treasury report: An official treasury report will be given at June’s meeting.
• By-Laws were discussed and are being scanned and emailed to all current members. We will review and update the By-Laws at the June meeting.
• Monthly dues were agreed to be a flat fee of $15 annually. The amount is the same for individuals and families. Payment for initial members is due at the June meeting. For new members, payment is due at the time of membership. Dues will be renewed every June.
• Everyone agreed that Sea-Side Dive Shop would be the location for all future meetings. Each month, 2 volunteers will be asked to bring snacks for the next meeting. Sea-Side Dive Shop will provide beverages. The club agreed that a $1 donation is appropriate for each beverage taken. The honor system will be used for the donation jar.
• A contact list was created and each active member will receive a copy. If you were not at the meeting and would like to be added to the list, please contact George Weirath via Sea Side Dive Shop ([email protected]).
• A River Rats Dive Club flyer was passed around for review and comments. It was well like by all. It was suggested that the text be changed from script to block for easier and faster viewing. Additional ideas are needed to attract new members.
• Monthly meeting topics were discussed. Each month, a topic will be chosen for the next meeting as well as a volunteer to present it.
• Diving trips and activities were discussed. Tobermorey, Bonne Terre Mine, and a dive site outside Chicago were mentioned. No trips were planned yet. River diving is always available. Gilboa Quarry has its annual DUI Days June 1st, 2nd, and 3rd. Sea-Side Dive Shop has openings for Port Sanilac charters:
• Non-Diving Activities were also discussed. Pride of Windsor and Detroit Princess are dinner cruises that were offered up. Rod Tocco mentioned the Cops for Kids benefit that is held at the end of each summer. He was asked to get more information on it. A gathering at Chaplin’s Comedy Club had some interest and Karen Hartman was asked to get more information on that. • Scheduled events (mark your calendars):
• If you have information you would like to share with the club, please email it to Sea-Side Dive Shop, so it can be forwarded to all members. ([email protected])
• Next meeting scheduled for Monday, June 18, 2007 at 7 pm. The location will be Sea-Side Dive Shop.
• Next meeting agenda:
“Any day in the water is a good day!”
Dive Safe!
Scott Barnes
If you are interested in joining the club or attending a meeting, call Sea-Side at 1-586-772-7676 or e-mail us to find out more!